Betty's Bitch and Tawni's Tales

A place to share our thoughts when we feel like it.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

my favorite things

so the big O has a list of favorite things so why can't I? here's a few, Tawni add yours too!

Lancome Hydra Zen moisturizer- this shit rocks, the BEST stuff for my face! it makes it super soft. yes its a little expensive at $50 a jar but soooo worth it! Tawni I'll get you some for Festivus. Speaking of that, what are your Festivus plans?

Second thing - When Tawni says "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" This just cracks me up. SHe has become quite imaginitive with cursing now that she is with child....she had to, she used to swear like a that's where I got it from! What are some others Tawni? Please post.

Mint Milano cookies - I could eat the whole bag.

Lee Ann Chin - the best cream cheese wontons.

And finally to close, I really really like watching my husband laugh at infantile humor. its funny.

chow -s


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