Betty's Bitch and Tawni's Tales

A place to share our thoughts when we feel like it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Not feeling much

Well I haven't written in a long time....Christmas and New Years came and went without much of anything except the fact that ALL of us had very bad colds and throwing up. I call it the Christmas that wasn't. It took 4 weeks to get back into the swing of things. UGH, don't even want to think about it. I have continued to have little episodes of postpartum depression but I think they are getting shorter and less "dramatic". I have had no support during this time. Yep, I'm going to bitch about it. Yes I know I did not tell a lot of people, its been a very private thing. But when I did tell a very close friend all I got was, "hang in there"....what the fuck is that? And the hubby is as understanding as he can be. Sure all the publicity is out there that this happens to women but when you are in the middle of it you really don't want to talk about it. So when i finally did say some thing it was a huge step for me and I get hang in frustrating from a friend whom i have supported A LOT. But I will stop there. I am moving on, ready for new things in life. j I bought an elliptical machine. I'm not going to say much about this yet, let's get it here and use it for 6 weeks and then i'll report on progress. This weigh loss thing is eluding me and proving difficult. I have had to work hard for very little in life, which is a fault i know, so weight loss and being healthy is some thing I really have to work hard at. At least I know this and can deal with it now. I have to go to Florida in April and would like to NOT have to wear my fat swim suit. OK time is up for me. I need to post more, it feels good to rant and rave a bit. Also coming up, reviews on the elliptical and our new Dyson vacuum, and reviews of my thought of the Florida Keys. smooches, ~b


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