Betty's Bitch and Tawni's Tales

A place to share our thoughts when we feel like it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Change. Nope I ain't gonna talk about Obama. I'm just talking about life. So why is it that change is so hard? I've heard the saying, Be the change you want in the world." I like that. But some change for me is very hard and some is easy. I love to try new products like shampoo, moisturizers, soap, toothpaste. But I don't like to change eating habits, I don't want to change my lazy (as much as you can be with kids) lifestyle. I like to sit and watch TV at night. What will it take to make me stop doing that and do something productive? What will force that change? Is it will power? I like to eat all the time, but I HAD to change that, I did weight watchers and lost 20 pounds. What finally motivated that, honestly disgust for myself. Why is change in those things like new clothes, shoes or shampoo easy? Why are habits so hard to change? Is it that I am never satisfied with something and I am always searching for something better? But then why doesn't that same rule fit with other things like going to the gym? If I am not satisfied with my body's strength then why is it so hard to go to the gym? Doesn't it seem like that search for a better body would apply to the never satisfied thought?

I know to many questions and maybe I should take a psychology course to better understand the human mind. Or maybe get a full time job so I don't sit around and think these deep thoughts.......ponderous man really ponderous


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