Betty's Bitch and Tawni's Tales

A place to share our thoughts when we feel like it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Could we get some antibiotics please?

Enjoyed a great day with the family! The kids were great...finally getting over their colds.

I faced a dilema recently with my children's doctors. Now we honestly see some of the best pediatricians in the world but they really frustrated me this time. Both children were honestly suffering from their most recent colds/nasty coughing crud. My son did get through it well, daughter on the other hand had high fevers, chills, listless, infected eye, horrible cough, congestion. Went to the dr. early in the illness....just got the oh, she is ok, this is normal, takes about 10-14 days to go away, keep her comfortable. Well I couldn't keep her comfortable, she was miserable! Sorry Dr! This is NOT OK WITH ME! So I went again to the dr. 4 days later. And they gave me the same song and dance. She was still in the same condition! Although this time they saw some fluid behind her ears BUT they insisted this was ok, just a symptom of her cold and still did not suggests any medications or antibiotics. Well I begged for the antibiotics. The Dr. just said she'll be fine without. I continued to beg. The Dr. said this is normal, she'll be fine. NO SHE"S NOT! Finally the Dr. gave in....I mean it really just gave in. The Dr. suggested I don't fill the perscription but just wait a see for 2 days. Well I did fill it and so glad I did, later that night ( I had not given her the antibiotics yet), she started crying in serious ear pain. She said and I quote, "Mommy my ear hurts!".

Why can't Drs trust a good parents instinct? It should not be so hard to get medication to help your child.


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