Betty's Bitch and Tawni's Tales

A place to share our thoughts when we feel like it.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

When the dog bites....

Hmmm....a few of my favorite things. Super Target's Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies. I prefer to buy them in the 3 pack, so's I don't go overboard at home with the 24 pack! Mmm..some really fabulous (and expensive) Riesling that my hubby and I have enjoyed this week in celebration of the babe's first year. I have no idea the name of it, but it is juicy sweet and oh, so good. One glass and it's nighty night for the mama! The first time we had this wine was when we figured out that Baby Girl really was going to be OK. Things were on the up and up and mom and dad needed a little relaxation.
Speaking of baby girls, Oh Betty. Aren't they just so sweet? I love the thrill in the eyes of my girl when she lets go of whatever object she is clutching to and stands there with a shit eating grin on her face just before she plops her butt down to the ground with a giggle! I can almost see the wheels turning in her head as she learns new things every single day.
Motherhood is amazing. Absolutely amazing.
Soon, I'm going to figure out pictures on this daggone thing and post some pics for your viewing pleasure. Fall in the land of 10,000 lakes and a cute baby. You'll love it.
Festivus plans Betty? Likely just Xmas Eve at the rents. I will be working on Xmas Day. Yous?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

my favorite things

so the big O has a list of favorite things so why can't I? here's a few, Tawni add yours too!

Lancome Hydra Zen moisturizer- this shit rocks, the BEST stuff for my face! it makes it super soft. yes its a little expensive at $50 a jar but soooo worth it! Tawni I'll get you some for Festivus. Speaking of that, what are your Festivus plans?

Second thing - When Tawni says "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" This just cracks me up. SHe has become quite imaginitive with cursing now that she is with child....she had to, she used to swear like a that's where I got it from! What are some others Tawni? Please post.

Mint Milano cookies - I could eat the whole bag.

Lee Ann Chin - the best cream cheese wontons.

And finally to close, I really really like watching my husband laugh at infantile humor. its funny.

chow -s

Brief Moments

I had two glorious but brief moments today.
The first was this morning. I road my scooter to work today. I was filling in for someone, I don't really "work". I was on the road, it was so cool and fresh as the sun was just breaking through the trees. there was dew still on the grass. I finally had a breath of fall. AHHH. The cool air felt so good, finally after this miserably hot summer. I felt like I could finally breathe. Then a bug smashed against my cheek....completely ruining my bliss. at 45 miles an hours bugs hurt.

The second blissful moment was just now, i muted that damn family guy show. not really.

I was holding my daughter on my lap, watching her smile at her brother. I put my nose against her soft hair, closed my eyes and breathed her in. She is so soft and sweet. It just takes my breath away. her beautiful eyes shining when we play and kiss and hug. She's just so happy to love and be loved. Isn't that the most important thing, the most singular thing, to love and be loved. I am lucky, I have both.

My son has certainly given me moments like this. But now they are a little different. He's all boy. And seeing the joy in his eyes when he discovers something like a worm or beams at me with a fresh booger on his finger. Those are precious moments too. I hope he beams like this forever.

peace out - s