Betty's Bitch and Tawni's Tales

A place to share our thoughts when we feel like it.

Friday, October 19, 2007


i am tired today. tired of being tired and tired of being fat. i know, i know, i'm not that bad BUT i don't like the way i feel. I feel gooey. ok so i started working out and having a good diet in august then it got hot, really hot, my kitchen got torn apart, and it was going SOOO slow, so yes I stopped. poo on me. NOW I HAVE TO GET BACK INTO IT! I need some support, support from anything. i will continue to keep a log of my daily activities and food. I will have reasonable goals. Let's start now, there are 5 weeks until Thanksgiving, can i lose 5 pounds by then? YES I CAN! Saturday and SUnday i will walk for 30 minutes each day. ok lets see how that goes. i'll report back on sunday.

in other news, savannah was wonderful. a very peaceful time to relax and remember why i really love my honey. we are good together. i love him.
