Betty's Bitch and Tawni's Tales

A place to share our thoughts when we feel like it.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


I took my son to church for the first time today. he was terrified for the first 20 minutes then I gave him pretzels and all was well with the world. so apparently i didn't pray enough at church cause afterward while getting into my car i stepped in fire ants. Unfortunately I didn't realized this until we were on our way down the road. then they started biting. I had about 50 on my feet and the floor mat. those fuckers hurt, i still have a burning sensation on the tops of my feet. thank god they didnt' bite the little one. moral of the story....pray more and harder. and maybe you wont' get bit...or don't park in the grass.

Friday, November 2, 2007

what I am doing about it

I read my last post...did I do what I said? Yep. Walked, pilates, taebo, ball workout. I am trying. I can worry about it too much. but that damn halloween candy! i've been ok with it however. I just have to keep trying.